Remediating Maui Soils with Biochar

For several years, our team has been studying with and learning from researchers about the ways biochar can serve as a filter for toxins in the landscape. In recent years, weʻve provided large quantities of locally-made biochar to Maui customers who are working to reduce fertilizer runoff or use retention ponds in the development process to protect the reefs and ocean life.

In the wake of the Maui wildfires, we are making engineered batches of biochar that are designed to reduce the bioavailability and leachability of heavy metals and organic pollutants in soils through adsorption and through encouraging the proliferation of beneficial microbes that break down organic pollutants (bioremediation).

Thanks to support from the County of Maui, MEO, and other organizations, we are able to offer biochar for house site remediation free of charge, starting in Kula, where Debris Removal Phase 2 is coming to a close.